Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A couple of glimpses from a nice stroll

Because I was trying to figure out if I should just always start carrying my phone around (in case Princess can't always make it) and see what exactly the camera can do, I took some really pretty snapshots from my stroll to the Nevsky Prospect Metro Station. This post is going to mostly be photos, with little captions of what everything is (or at least, as much as I know about it.)

Panorama of the other bank of the Bolshaya Neva river
This is that building in the background in the previous panorama shot. No idea what it is.

This is a statue in front of a building that I've walked by several times, but have no idea what it is. I've been calling it "the other mysterious building...

This is the top of the other mysterious building. It's a gorgeous building, as you'll see in the next panorama picture...
But first, this is a fountain in the middle of the other mysterious building.

And this is the other mysterious building. A little bit warped (panorama's not perfect), but still, you get the idea. A very pretty building. Now, if only I knew what it was for...

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