Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why I am not a statistician

Now, this has nothing to do with anything, but I thought I would share this little tidbit, as it has been eating at my soul.

Looking at my stats on my blog lately has been a soul-searching experience. As those with a blogspot know, you can actually break down the stats and look at who's actually looking at your blog. Now, this has both been a boon and a curse. For example, when I see views from the US, Russia, and even Canada, I know that the people who are actually related to me in some way (friends, family, etc.) are looking at my blog.

Yes, I will be the first to admit this was shamelessly ripped off from google.

However, then I keep looking, and there are random views from Germany, Ireland... places where, as far as I know, I know literally no one. This, as sad and pathetic as it may seem, is what blows my mind. All I can think, over and over again is,
... All I can say is, given how easily I am either amused or have my mind blown, it is a miracle that I have survived thus far in Russia.

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