Friday, September 14, 2012

Another mystery solved!

For those who remember all the trials I've been through with my feet (the airport in Finland, this recent go-around with the high heels), I've run into a lot of issues with finding and buying bandaids. The general lack of bandages was so widely spread that at first it seemed like there was a Bandage League of Evil, whose weekly meetings went something like this:

This is the President of the League, of course
And everyone else at the meeting would respond with,

But actually, I recently found out the reason why Russians don't really sell bandages, and it's the best reason I could've ever imagined: they don't need them.

That's right. There is a piece of magic here that they have in Russia that they don't have in the US.

Now, of course, I don't remember what exactly the name is, but the basic gist is that there's a gel that they sell here in Russia for only 19 rubles each (that's literally 50 cents for an entire tube) that acts both as a disinfectant, a cleanser, AND a bandaid. I could literally see the difference on my blisters within moments of putting on the gel; and the smaller blisters were actually sealed shut within one or two applications of the gel.

Like I said, magic.

The only unfortunate part of this is that they don't have this gel in the US, at least not as far as I know. And by as far as I know, I mean that even though I'm going to be taking back as many tubes as I can get away with in my luggage, there is no way that I'm sharing.

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