Monday, September 10, 2012

Bruce and the Bruces

So, it seems that in Russia (more specifically in St. Petersburg) they enjoy giving multiple things the same name. For example, there's Большая Заленина (Big Zalenina), Малая Заленина (Little Zalenina), and Глухая Заленина (Deaf Zalenina), and when foreigners come asking where Zalenina is, natives have to ask which one.

Well, apparently they do the same thing with there rivers, because there are apparently 4 Neva Rivers in St. Petersburg: Большая Нева (Big Neva), Малая Нева (Small Neva), Большая Невка (essentially Big Neva again), and Малая Невка (basically Small Neva again). Nevsky Prospect-- the huge street that houses all the fantastic museums such as the Hermitage and etc.-- is on the other side of the Большая Нева, and today my host mom and I walked along Малая Невка for fun.

This is one of the bridges going over the  Малая Невка, just to give a little bit of scope for its size. It's where we first went down to the banks; we walked a little ways, though it got interesting at times with the slope, moss, and having to fight off trees.

This is the other bank of the Малая Невка; notice the big glass building. There are huge glass buildings like this everywhere, including the Стекланы Монстер (Glass Monster) that saves me every time I'm lost.

 I saved the best for last. Now, this is yet another bridge across the Малая Невка, but one bridge past that-- it's green, and you probably can't see it, but it's there-- is where the princes killed Rasputin, and tossed him over the side. Yeah, this is the river in which they found Rasputin's frozen body trying to climb out onto the shore. I thought that was a cool touch, myself.

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