Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Not for Dr. Who fans

I would write so much more about these buildings, except that I have absolutely no idea what they are. If I recall correctly, the following building used to be some kind of hiring market, then got converted to a museum, then went back to being a hiring market:

And I'm guessing that the following building is a church? I'll have to investigate in more detail later.

But here's the section that isn't for Dr. Who fans: what I've been calling Angel's Square.

This building, which surrounds Angel Square, is the longest unbroken building in the world. And now, for the part where Dr. Who fans run in terror:


You must've blinked.... It's watching you

But seriously, it's a really cool square. There was so much detail that I can't even imagine how long it took to build. For example, the entire floor of the square is paved like this:

And as you can see, it's a really big square. And a really long building.

Now thinking of it, though, probably shouldn't have turned away from that statute...

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