Monday, September 10, 2012

Always Another Adventure

These days, it seems that every time I go on a walk, it ends with my host mom deciding she wants to go somewhere else, telling me to to go home, and then leaving me to desperately attempt to recall all the information and places she showed me either yesterday or today in order to patch together how to get home. This process usually ends with me seeing the big Glass Monster (which I apparently forgot to take pictures of), a point when I usually feel my closest to bursting into tears of relief as I finally know how to get home.

In other words, a fantastic learning experience where I get to really use my newfound knowledge of the city. Only this time, I have photographic evidence of my adventures.

After my phone nearly died on me yesterday and my camera mysteriously went comatose today, however, I have shifted tactics, and am now using my phone for nothing but taking pictures. And so now, all of you get to see what I've been looking at. Finally, my evil plan is complete!

So, what I think I'm going to do is, instead of making one extremely long and disjointed post, from here on out there will be smaller, more compact posts with pictures and stories. Now that the format is decided, let the adventures begin!

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