Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Tourism That Belatedly Was; And A Random Pouting Session

Looking at my last post, I suddenly feel quite embarrassed upon knowing what actually happened on the day we were supposed to go to the museum. I grandly announced what we were planning on doing, which then ended up not happening.

(What is the lesson learned here? Don't announce what you're doing on the internet until AFTER you've done it.)

Keeping this in mind, I can now safely say that Princess and I HAVE gone to the Russian Museum, and that it was quite beautiful. Students, by the way, can get in for free, something Russia does that should be emulated in the US. But I digress. I repeat, Princess and I have gone to the Russian Museum. However, as of yet I do not have the pictures to post up, so I might as well have not gone.

However, I do have pictures of the Peterhoff Palace on a flashdrive, which enough searching through my massive and disorganized computer bag should probably produce. It's only the front portion, but Princess and I took many, many pictures, so it should be more than enough for one post.

I am, however, going to take a moment to hate on a blog that I've never read, simply because they took the name of my blog first.

*Warning: Random Pouting Session Commencing*

There is yet another travel blog called "Yet Another Travel Blog", and it frustrates me as it takes the same name but is not as cool as mine is. This isn't just me trying to pat my own back; here is a travel blog, going intensively (sort of) into the culture and history of soon-to-be-multiple countries, and yet this other person took up the domain name and originality bonus for a trip that, while visiting many places (11, I think?), only visited each of them for 2 days.

Really? Really, random blogger person??

Not to sound like a snob, but 8 months is far more blog-time than 22 days. Yes, you were traveling when you were blogging; but now, I can't feel that I have any degree of originality in my sardonic title, and you don't even blog anymore. Way to win, random blogger person. Way to win.

*Pouting Session Ended. You May Now Resume Your Life Without Anything Being Any Different Than Before.*

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