Saturday, September 15, 2012

Men-- they're the same EVERYWHERE

So, today, one of the girls from my program and I went all the way out to the fountains of the Peterhof Palace. It's an absolutely amazing and beautiful grounds, and I will smother you with pictures (once my friend emails them to me-- we've been using her camera).

However, I thought I would relate two incidents which proved to both her and me that men everywhere are the same.

1) Abusing Artwork

The Peterhof Palace is an AMAZING place to be if you're a foreign tourist, not only because it's a beautiful grounds, but even RUSSIANS go there as a tourist attraction. Today was an especially big day, because after today, the fountains (which we came to see) will be closed, so there was a large crowd there. As my friend and I walked past a fountain-- four spigots surrounding a Cupid in the center-- we noticed one man, in his mid thirties, leaning back as his friend took a picture.

It only took moments for us to realize what was happening, but when we did, our shock and disbelief was immediate: in the middle of a beautiful grounds, at one of the fountains of the likes that there are only two others in the world (one of the places being Versailles), this blockhead was pretending that he was taking a piss. Men.

2) And now for more inappropriate PDA

While walking by another fountain (this place has many fountains), my friend and I turned to see a man and his girlfriend about to pose for a picture: the man picks his girlfriend up off the ground, his girlfriend wraps her legs around his torso, and as the man uses her derriere as a handhold, the happily inappropriate couple smile for a photo of them wrapped together like a clump of angel hair pasta.

Can't tell where one begins and the other one ends? Us neither.
All this to say is, it's not only in the US that men, if given the choice, will happily run their hands all over their respective significant other in public places.

(Actually, I really just wanted a chance to complain about Russian PDA again.)

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