Friday, September 14, 2012

Catching up

So, I have the unique experience of blogging from the kitchen today, simply because I'm alone in the house with my host mom's sister's dog. This dog, I have to say, is incredibly needy; I think it thinks it's a lapdog, which would  make sense because of its size. It's really odd, looking, though: its size is halfway between a pug and a chihuahua, and its face is perpetually frozen with this expression:

No, seriously. Happy:



That is to say, this dog is like Kristine Stewart, except that unlike her, I'm not entirely sure how it's able to breathe.

Anyway, considering the number of times I've recently mis-punctuated "its" (only caught by a quick read through) and just how many hours of classes in Russian I've had today, I thought I would put up a few anecdotal posts before trudging off to go vegetate.

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