Monday, September 3, 2012

Finally making a blog

For those who have been interested in me making a travel blog, I've finally done so. Yes, it's no more than three days before I leave; yes, it's devoid of any interesting content, as I haven't left the US yet and have really nothing to post; and yes, it's not very profound, as I really don't have anything profound to say. I consider it to be a fair first post, considering I'm half paying attention and watching "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" as I am typing. The one thing that I CAN say for this post is that it serves as a passable beginning for a blog: it proves that I can use a computer, and that I can post on my blog even when there is nothing to post.

While I could write about my recent travel woes (figures that the one time I use Lufthansa, they go on strike), I'd rather save the story-telling for when I have actual stories to tell, anecdotes of differences between American and Russian culture, impressions of Russia, pictures.... In short, all the things that I do not have now. And with that rather anti-climactic ending, I cheerfully end my post and return to the delicious sort of nerdom that I only have three more days to enjoy. Cheers!

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