Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The little things....

I guess being easily amused and/or pleased by the little things is an invaluable skill to have as a traveler. My flight with Lufthansa is most likely going to be cancelled, I'm being rerouted to Helsinki, and I'm going to be up and running from 3:45 Thursday morning on.... But all I can say for right now is that I am ridiculously excited for the 5 hour layover that I have-- yes, 5 hours-- because I found out that they have a restaurant where you can have traditional Finnish cuisine. Finnish cuisine!

I wish that I was a Finnish person, only because all the flying I would do would put me at the Helsinki airport. Whereas most airports here don't have any internet, and have few electrical outlets, Helsinki has free wifi and (as their website claims) tons of electrical outlets. It looks like a gorgeous airport, too. I would take pictures, except I'm relatively certain that might make people uneasy. Not that I blame them.

Still, things have been working out for the best. My flight is now at 8:15, as opposed to 6:00 in the morning; I'm not caught in Frankfurt in the middle of the Lufthansa strikes; I'm still getting to St. Petersburg on time, even with having to rebook three days beforehand; and I get to have a cultural experience before I even get to Russia. Win-win, I'd say.

One last note: if you're a student and you want to get somewhere, I highly recommend the website Generation Fly (whenever Lufthansa is not striking). They have amazingly cheap airfare for students; for example, when I was booking the Finnair, I also looked on Generation Fly, and they were offering $2,000 and $3,000 tickets for $700 and $710. Food for thought?

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