Sunday, September 16, 2012

Only in Russia...

Today my travel companion (who from hereon shall be referred to as "Princess" for reasons that shall be left unexplained) and I were supposed to go to a park to watch a yearly celebration of the Russian victory over Napoleon in the Napoleonic Wars. There were supposed to be people dressed in authentic garb, horses, statues.... In other words, it sounded like the Russian version of Civil War reenactments, which would be tons of fun.

Thus, my friend and I took the metro over to where the park was supposed to be, walked out, and saw this huge, beautiful park that we were certain had to be where this event was held. We walked around the entire park (to give an idea of its size, it was large enough to contain a Russian amusement park, a small zoo, and a German-style brewery, plus several lakes) but didn't really see any reenacters. Disappointing, but understandable; I mean, you can't be reenacting the Napoleonic wars ALL day, with cannons, and muskets, and horses. Maybe we just went during a down time.

Even so, we happily went home after walking around this park for two-- yes, two-- hours, replete with pictorial evidence and beautiful nature shots that I will share whenever Princess emails them to me. Returning home happily tired, I talked with my roommate to discover that she had been to the same celebration. Unlike us, however, she had had to pay money to get into the park, and she DID see reenacters-- the horses and the cannons and all that.

And that's when I found out that we had walked in the wrong park, because we had walked in the huge, beautiful park directly next to the OTHER huge, beautiful park where the reenactment was taking place.

.... Only in Russia.

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