Friday, September 14, 2012

Finally! A solution!

I have finally found the solution to the Russian love of overdramatic PDA: place at least three burly, grouchy, tired policeman on every car of every metro that is carrying people.

Now, I know what you're thinking: wouldn't that be like a police state? A military state? Are you advocating repression?

Well, no. The police don't even have to really be able to arrest people; the only thing, I think, that's important, is that they're there, looking very disgruntled and like they're itching for SOMEONE to get in their way  while they're going home.

The evidence is incontrovertible, after all:

When there were three burly, grouchy, tired policemen standing in our metro car, the couple sitting in front of me was perfectly polite and socially acceptable.

Literally moments after the three aforementioned burly, grouchy, tired policemen left the metro car, the couple went from perfectly reasonable to making out in less than one stop (i.e. three minutes).

I rest my case.

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