Thursday, November 15, 2012

A list of random facts

1) Russian eggs come in boxes of 10;

2) There ARE speed limits in Russia, after all (I just happen to never have seen one in my life);

3) Russian radiators are the most useful things ever-- clothes drying, helping dough rise, you name it;

4) If you like it in the US, bring it along. (Ladies: this is especially true of feminine products. MAKE SURE YOU BRING MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR THE ENTIRE TRIP. Why? Because especially with feminine products, Russian feminine products suck. They might even be US brands-- but if you're a female, and you plan on doing something other than staying in the house, bring your own. Seriously.) This also applies, however, to favorite candies (especially those containing peanut butter), music (Russian radio stations only play the pop songs that American radio stations moved on from a while ago, ergo the never-ending presence of the song "Moves Like Jagger"), and things of that nature; and

5) If you're saving up your huge shopping trip for getting great clothes for Russia, don't. (Not that I know this from experience *cough*; however, Russia is really hard on your clothes-- they wear out extra quickly-- and seems to defy the laws of physics, as you can eat all the carbs, sugar, and fats you want, and still drop so much weight  that all of your clothes are falling off and making it look like you're wearing a parachute. Again, not that I know this from experience.) Also, bring a belt. Or six. 

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