Saturday, November 3, 2012

While I cope with technological issues....

Today was fantastically productive-- three churches, two museums, a Monument... We didn't even get everything on our list finished off, and even so, there were so many pictures and so many awesome things that we saw that it feels like today could end off now, and I would be satisfied.

One problem: can't show you any of it yet, due to technical difficulties. (Yeah, my camera totally died. Again.)

Even so, in the lull, I thought I would share a realization I had: I'm going to have to make a new blog. Not right now, of course; but this blog is getting so full of information, and different pages, that I don't want to try to pile Spain on top.

It's like, let's imagine that this is all the information for Russia. And then, I'm going to dump an equally large amount of rice on top for Spain. What's that going to create? A confusing mess that's going to be ridiculously annoying to clean.
So, when my time in Russia runs out and my time in Spain begins, there will be one last page on this blog: a page linking to the new blog, which will be called Hyperbole and a Quarter, Part II.

Was that particularly interesting? Probably not. But I like to keep you, the reader, informed, if nothing else because it gives me something to say when technological issues (CURSE YOU, CAMERA BATTERY) make it nigh impossible to properly post.

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