Saturday, November 10, 2012

Church Review: Church of the Spilled Blood

This church has been taunting Princess and I for at least a week, now.

Standing down the street from the famous Dom Knigi and Kazan Cathedral, this church is absolutely gorgeous on the outside-- every inch is covered in color, with mosaics and spires and icons... Absolutely fantastic. And the history is even richer than the church; for this church was built on the spot that Alexander II was assassinated, and is actually dedicated in his honor.

Knowing that, Princess and I were convinced that we had to go inside... Yet day after day, things kept coming up, and we didn't end up seeing it.

Until today.

Now, for those who are photo-happy, like I am, this church is a nightmare. There is SO MUCH to take pictures of, and so many different aspects to photograph, that the entire experience becomes a thing of torture. A great arm-workout, though; and painful on the neck.

In other words, I whole-heartedly recommend that you see this cathedral.

Once again, admission is free for students (I've even started creating a "student ID" song that I'm singing when we buy tickets), and even if it weren't, this church is so beautiful that every ruble spent is worth it. The inside is nothing but mosaics-- the walls, the ceiling... And you can even see the spot where Alexander II was shot. It's the most epic manifestation of a history class you could hope to see.

So, while google reviews makes me feel like my reviews are totally pathetic (Google rates this as "exquisite; flawless; perfection"; I rate it as "epic, awesome, shiny"), I do agree with Google's sentiment that this church is one you DEFINITELY have to see.

Church of the Spilled Blood

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