Saturday, November 3, 2012

Church Review: Church of the Birth of Saint John the Baptist (Chesme Church)

Metro: Moskovskaya
Rating: Still pending

This church, while incredibly beautiful on the outside, was unfortunately busy when Princess and I visited today. What I saw of the inside was absolutely magnificent; however, as  I am not tall enough, nor creepy enough, to take pictures of the interior of a building through a window, I only have pictures of the outside. However, I can say that the outside of this church lives up to its reputation; it's absolutely gorgeous, and very interesting to look at.

This church was apparently built on some of the oldest grounds in St. Petersburg; and behind it is one of the oldest cemetaries in St. Petersburg as well.

Even if it's to just look at the outside, I would recommend stopping by this church if you're already visiting the Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad, or the House of the Soviets (I only walked by, but it's rather impressive to look at). At the very least, it's another thing you can add to your list of "interesting cultural outings" while in Russia; and if there aren't any services going on (we're pretty sure we went there the one day there was a baptism), you can go inside and see for yourself how beautiful it looks.

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