Monday, November 5, 2012

Church Review: St. Isaac's Cathedral

Well, this review has been a week in waiting.

I absolutely love this cathedral-- the architecture on the inside is absolutely epic, and I know I looked ridiculous running around taking nothing but ceiling shots. Also, for students with valid student ID, this entire museum is free. (God, I love Russia.)

The museum can be quite crowded, and the different paintings hard to see; however, it is entirely worth it, because of how beautiful the interior is.

Also, the lightning is absolutely superb-- everything shows up BEAUTIFULLY in photography. However, a word for the wise: I actually recommend that you take as many pictures as possible, because in certain areas, you can see more of the cathedral by taking a picture than with the naked eye.

(Here, for example.)
All of my pictures for this cathedral can be found in the album "St. Isaac's Cathedral" (I know, such an original name.)

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