Thursday, November 29, 2012

Emerging from the Valley of the Papers....

So sorry to have been a terrible blogger, everyone!

Still probably not going to put up a bunch of content, not for a lack of great material-- because, boy, do I have some things to talk about-- but for a lack of time.

A captivating illustration of my life at this present juncture
You know that whole "student ID card" thing that I'm always ecstatic about? Yeah, there's only one catch-- you have to be a student. And that means you have to take classes at a University. And that means you have to do term papers.

Now, this would normally be easy if all three papers weren't due on the same day-- 5-7 pages in English, with an introduction in Russian-- AND if I didn't have another obligation put on me that I was not previously expecting-- an obligation that I have proceeded to callously blow off, and will probably be castigated for whenever the person who I am doing said favor for returns. (Boy, am I loving dashes today.) But that is another prospect for another day; and for now, I am taking a deep breath between desperate doggy-paddles through articles and quote gathering to say, hello, I am still here, I have not forgotten you, and I'm sorry for abandoning everything for the last week.

Does this mean anything is going to change after this post?

.... meh, probably not.

But I did want to at least put something up to prove that I have not been 1) kidnapped by the Mafia, 2) caught up in an arms-trafficking scandal, or at the very least 3) had an attempt made on my life by the ever-fluffy Prince Charming. (He has been breaking into my room, however, in a nefarious plot to sleep on my bed and wake me up whenever I accidentally kick him.)

So, what do I have coming up, whenever I happen to be able to post actual content?

1) Four museum reviews;
2) Another tale of failed tourism;
3) History lessons (a.k.a. a recap of interesting and relevant material from the papers I've been writing-- oh, you look SO ecstatic); and
4) A shop review of one of THE shiniest stores I have ever seen in my life: the Eliseev store.

After using up this last burst of unproductivity, I shall return to the dull banality which is my life as a student in the middle of term papers.

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