Friday, November 2, 2012

Adventures on Nevsky Prospect

So, after sitting on these for a full week, I finally caved in and posted all the pictures from Nevsky Prospect. I am unfortunately lacking in creative zeal for today, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow or Sunday to talk about the man known as Alexander Nevsky (yeah, he's a big deal); however, I can still say that there are now two new photo albums:

Nevsky Prospect, Part One: Ploschad Alexander Nevskovo to Mayakovskaya; and

Nevsky Prospect, Part Two: Hermitage to Nevsky Prospect Metro
Hopefully, you will enjoy the pictures; and the history will follow sometime afterward, when I am somewhat more motivated and can talk about these things in as much detail as they deserve.

With that, I say happy album hunting.

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