Monday, October 29, 2012

After this commercial break...

I apologize for the delay; while I did have some fun cultural experiences this weekend (going to the movies and eating at a fancy restaurant), I figured that they were not of the sort that I could really write about. However, today, one of my roommates found this book and gave it to me to look through, thus giving me something to talk about when otherwise my life has been entirely boring.

The title of this book is literally "Book About Delicious and Healthy Food"; can't get much better than that, can you?

And while Prince Charming may disagree (he started kneading the pages with his claws; I promptly shooed him away), Prince Charming is a cat, and he can deal with the fact that his royal opinion holds no water in this situation.

After looking through this book, I have decided I will learn:

A meat goulash;
Uzbek pilaf;
Three different kinds of dumplings;
 Blini with tvrog;
Two kinds of cookies;
A cake;
Pirozhki (basically) with multiple flavors;
and jams.

Why do I tell you this? After all, a list of foods isn't very interesting.

I am fully aware of this, I promise; however, I'm telling you, because that means that within the next two months, I am going to be racing to try to learn how to make all this stuff. And that's where all of this gets interesting.

So, whenever I start my delicious but grueling work, I'm going to start yet another page on this blog: A page that easily links back to recipes, with pictures of the finished product. Just another thing to look forward to while I'm in the throes of unproductivity.

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