Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ode to Cold, Gray Days

Cold, gray, rainy day:
This is less of an ode, and more of a complaint.
I wish that there was a Bureau of Weather Affairs
Which controlled the weather of every day
So that I could lodge a complaint
And days like you would go away.

It is drizzling and gray, the outlook is bleak
And it's only 9 degrees Celsius (or 48.2 degrees Fahrenheit, for Americans.)
You are the reason that I considered writing a post,
Then decided against it, since it would take too much effort,
And instead wrote a post about not wanting to write a post.
You have turned me into the height of mediocrity.

Curse your motivation-draining capabilities!
My only solace is in fuzzy socks,
And the fact that I don't have to go outside again today.

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