Wednesday, October 10, 2012

... I shouldn't quit my day job

So, last night, while I was trying my hardest not to post anything else, I ended up caving in and adding a bunch of stuff to my blog-- everything except a post. (I should write a book: "How to Break the Rules Without Ever Breaking the Rules". It would probably sell three copies or four copies, all of which would be to sympathetic family members.)

Therefore, I am now presenting four new things: two photo albums from past excursions, and two new pages.

The albums aren't anything insanely new or different, just more pictures of the Bolshaya Neva and the longest unbroken building in the world (which I might not have described as such before. It really is the longest unbroken building in the world.) In other words, these would have been the pictures that would have been helpful to include in the posts "Bruce and the Bruces 2" or "Not for Dr. Who Fans"... but did not have.

So for those who wanted more details on those things (hey, let me keep my delusions), here are the two albums:

Longest Unbroken Building in the World; And, the Square of the Angels

More Scenes from the Bolshaya Neva
Additionally, I created a page with all of the panorama shots from all of my albums. That page is still a work of progress, but for those who are theoretically interested, those photos are still up on the Panorama Galore page.

Lastly, if you feel like looking at pictures but don't feel like reading everything or looking for the album, I created a page (Epic Album Time, because apparently I'm just not very creative with names)  so that everything is there and easier to reference.

One last little note: I'm filling out a scholarship application for a scholarship in which I would have to blog, and one of the essay questions is, "What would you do to make your blog interesting and fun to read?" ... I still don't know how I'm going to answer that question.

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