Monday, October 22, 2012

Ahhhh, much better...

Now that it's a sunny day (and I've regained all of my lost motivation and dignity), I figured I would explain why there has been so little Russia-related content on my blog as of late, and so much (dare I say it) filler.

While in Russia, I have been working on completing several pet projects of mine, posts which would span multiple days and outings and explore particular topics in depth. True, most of the posts in which I have done so have been singularly unpopular (see The Night Of All Things WWII, Death Of A Salesman: Or, Why Some Bad Reputations Are Deserved, Raisins and Fried Onions, More history, yay! History of Sennaya Ploshad, And now for something completely different... yeah, I have a humiliatingly long list of these); however, this is a blog about travel, and about culture, and gosh darn it, I'm going to keep to my principles even if it means writing posts that aren't even popular.

Now thinking about it... Well, it's not like many people are going to read THIS post, even if it's STILL not about culture.

But in all seriousness, when I started this blog, I wanted to put together all the things that I found in Russia that I would have wanted to know about, or see, before I left. Something of "An Idiot's Guide to Studying in Russia", if you will. And so, while I've been out here, I've been thinking about several overarching post ideas, and slowly working towards gathering all the information (and, in certain cases, experiences) that I will need to be able to write them.

So, to somewhat explain why there has been this uninspiring and random period of time, here are some posts that you, the reader, can expect to see from me at SOME point within the next months:

1) A ranking of all the American food chains in Russia;
2) Russian cultural outings that I have found enjoyable, including different theaters, different genres, etc;
3) SOME kind of post on Moscow;
4) SOME kind of post about Novgorod;
5) My experience being an American in Russia (more generally than what has already been described on this blog already);
6) My rankings and experiences with quintessential Russian foods (which, depending on how much time I have tonight, I will finish today);
7) Ratings (and photos) of all the restaurants and cuisines that I have been to and seen in Russia;
8) A collection of Russian commercial names (such as clothing stores, restaurants, etc.), as well as Russian commercials;
9) A post (or, I don't know, ten) about the Hermitage; and
10) History lessons (or little stories) about different places and things, courtesy of both the University where I study and my ever-awesome travel companion, Princess.

Obviously, that's not going to be ALL that I'm up to-- if I only followed a strict list, there would be no more posts about extremely athletic Russian judo players, or random little things that I see while walking the streets-- but this is just a heads-up as for what to expect, and why there has been so little culturally-relevant material.

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