Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Finally!!!!! Proof!!!!!

Most people aren't this enthusiastic to prove that they epically failed at tourism. Most people would not document how they managed to miss more than half of a tourist attraction that they traveled over an hour to see.

However, I am not most people. And most people probably didn't promise pictures nearly a month ago.

Therefore, I am pleased to present the pictorial evidence of the first epic tourism fail: the Verkhniy (or upper) Park of the Peterhoff Palace. I have divided these photos into two sections:

Peterhoff Verkhniy Park: Statues, Fountains and the Palace; and
Peterhoff Verkhniy Park: Nature Shots.

(The nature shots are quite beautiful; I love Fall colors.)

Anyways, this will probably be all for tonight, since I don't want to spoil anyone or fool them into thinking that I'm being productive. (As an American college student, productivity simply won't do.) So I bid you a good evening, and happy viewing.

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