Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just a quick heads up

As if this blog needed any more pages, I decided to create a new page for the Russian signs and commercials that I mentioned I was thinking about making. It is under the amazingly creative title "Russian signs that touch my soul"; I called it that as these were Russian signs which touched my soul.

One last thing: I'm considering putting together a page that will quickly and easily link to all the posts that are my take on Russian fairy tales. Of course, this means that the fairytales will be told with their own spin; but if I were to put this together, would this be something that anyone is interested in? Please feel free to give me your opinion on this; I know it might seem like I'm only doing this so that I have the honor of hearing myself talk, but really, I want those who read this blog to have fun with it, too. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Anyway, I have to study for a test I have tomorrow (test in Russian+materials in Russian=non-Russian panic), but I hope that this page is to your liking, and that it makes you laugh or groan as much as I do when I see these signs on the streets.

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