Saturday, October 13, 2012

Welcome to Fall

I officially love fall. Being from Los Angeles, I'm new to that whole "seasons and weather" thing; but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, and for the most part, I love it. (I'm not particularly a fan of the mud, or how it happens to always give me embarrassing splotches of mud on the back of my pant leg-- but these are small complaints.)

Apparently, Russians love Fall, too, especially those who originally planted the trees in Pavlovskiy Park.

During the post "All Things WWII", I said that it was Pushkin that took all of their artwork underground. Unfortunately, that was a miscommunication (and an apparently missed change of topic), and the park that my host mother was talking about was in fact Pavlovskiy Park.

Pavlovsky Park was apparently planted in consideration of the trees' change of color during the Fall. It is also apparently either the 3rd or 4th largest park in Europe. And it is the location that I just happened to visit today. (What a surprise!)

After finding out that albums of 80+ photos make my internet crash (whoops), I have divided the photos from today into three albums:
Pavlovskiy Park: Buildings and Statues;

Pavlovskiy Park: Land Shots; and

Pavlovskiy Park: Water Shots
Walking through this park was a fantastic experience, even when walking for 2 hours in high-heeled boots. (Oddly enough, at this point, the boots are more comfortable than both of my pairs of flats; curse you, Russia!) If you ever have the chance to stop by Pavlovskiy Park during the fall, I highly recommend it.

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