Friday, October 12, 2012

Things to Celebrate on a Friday

1) Not falling asleep once during my seven hours of class (which is all in Russian);

2) Being able to go to the park tomorrow;

3) Being able to sleep in tomorrow;

4) Being able to come home, and happily bang  my head against a wall trying to figure out a Russian crossword puzzle (I'm terrible at those even when the language used is ENGLISH);

5) Still having the force of will to speak Russian after floundering in conversation in a classroom filled with Russians (that was embarrassing);

6) Coming home to a cat sleeping on my bed;

7) Having working internet that doesn't get knocked off every time the phone rings (I temporarily developed a phobia of phone calls for a while there);

8) Having a ready supply of hot food and tea;

9) Not having to apply myself until Monday; and

10) Having survived another week.

No matter what country I'm in, my favorite day will always be Friday.

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