Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Since I've been far too quiet lately...

I apologize for the fact that I have been swallowed up in a gooey, emotional tentacle monster of personal drama and school. I do, however, have a bit of a gift to make up for it: I finally, FINALLY have some of those pictures that I've been promising to produce since, oh, I started writing this blog.

"Excellent!" you might say. "Did you tag every one of them? Is there a detailed and extensive background for every picture shown?"

Uh.... No. I have no idea what half of the pictures are technically called, to be perfectly honest, much less anything having to do with Art History. (There's a reason I took Understanding Music for my understanding culture class.)

However, I bear great news! Most of the pictures are interesting to look at, some of them are simply divine, and if you have as short of an attention span as I do, you can simply click through them very quickly.

They are subdivided like so:

Architecture (meaning a couple of shots of the inside, and the outside of the museum);
Boxes and Things: Boxes that are undecorated and knick-knacks that are hard to explain (which is self-explanatory);
Statues from the Russian Museum;
Bowls and Vases at the Russian Museum;
Clothes and Crowns at the Russian Museum;
Paintings of the Russian Museum: Trip One; and, the best for last,
Decorated Boxes: One of my Favorite Things. (Not that I'm biased or anything.)

This is only half of the Russian Museum, mind you. Additionally, there is an entire park behind the Museum that Princess and I need to visit. So, now you've had a glimpse into the Russian Museum. If you ever visit, be careful of the women guarding the exhibits (I didn't realize an old lady could go so quickly from looking sweet and gently to shrieking and running over with her hands angrily flapping), make sure that the flash on your camera is off, and enjoy the culture.

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