Friday, October 12, 2012

What a helpful world

Everything I do here is to practice my Russian. Well, generally speaking; I mean, when I'm speaking English with the other Americans and foreign exchange students, it's not improving my Russian, and when I'm typing this blog in English, it's not helping-- but you get the idea. All my classes are in Russian, almost all of the new people I've met are Russian...

My new host mother, who also speaks English, reminded me the other day that I need to speak more Russian. Today, she gave me a crossword puzzle (in a manner of speaking) in Russian, which I have not touched after my seven hours of class (which were also in Russian, and during which I epically failed at conversation with actual Russians in Russian).

Tomorrow, Princess and I, and our friend (whom we both psuedonymed "The Shoe Queen") will be (barring horrific weather and/or terrible senses of direction) going to a Russian park, to look at Russian nature during the Russian fall.

And while looking at this Russian website, I clicked the English section (just to make sure that I wasn't misunderstanding or misreading anything), and the English section changed... absolutely nothing. It was all still in Russian.

Isn't this language immersion fun? I'm glad everything's being so helpful. Really. I'll look back and sigh in fondness when I'm not being so lazy.

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